Sunday 5 August 2018

Australian Computer Museum Society collection faces imminent demolition - Help Needed

Rather unfortunate news to report here. The Australian Computer Museum Society’s massive collection of vintage computer equipment, software and documents faces bulldozers this week unless a solution can be found.

Currently located in Villawood, Sydney, the warehouse containing the collection will be demolished this Friday to make way for apartment blocks. The Society’s collection is a gold mine of 70s mini-computers, rare EAI analogue computer, terminals, vintage test equipment and thousands of irreplaceable documents.

They are desperately seeking help to re-house the collection before it is destroyed forever.

Curator John Geremin:

“We need bodies, we need people with a corner of a garage, a bit of basement, a caravan not being used by the grandparents. So long as they come with transport and a bit of muscle, come and grab some stuff. I hope the collection is distributed to enthusiasts who have an idea what they are taking and its heritage, and who will care for it rather than scrape the gold off the connectors inside. If it stays here and the bulldozer gets it, it is gone forever. If it goes somewhere else we may not see it for a while, but that will be better than not having it at all.”

Here is YouTuber EEVblog rummaging through the collection a few days ago:

If you’re able to help, contact John Geremin at